Thursday, January 07, 2010

cleaning out my closet

Since moving to Seattle, I’ve been missing several important items from Tennessee. Christmas break presented the perfect opportunity to remedy the situation, and pack everything else up for when my situation becomes even more permanent.

Going through old stuff was a lot of fun. I sifted through a bunch of old photos (ladies, I was a cute baby…), packed up all of my books, emptied out my dresser drawers, and threw away a bunch of crap that needed discarding years ago.

I came across some old boxes of checks, probably from some old, closed checking accounts. Not wanting to throw them away and risk having my identity stolen, I was lamenting having to shred each one individually when I realized that I could have a lot more fun with paper than just throwing it away.

My plan had to wait until after my parents went to bed. It was really cold and windy when I took all of the checks and boxes out to the front porch of the house. After scouring the house for a lighter (which is remarkably difficult in a conservative Adventist home), it was go time.

Not that my idea was very well thought out, but I really surprised at how difficult it was to light a checkbook on fire. The wind didn’t help either, and forced me to start the fire on the porch. I first started by trying to light the spine of the checkbook on fire, but that didn’t work. Tried the other side, no luck. Lighting each individual check was quickly losing its appeal, when I laid the checkbook vertically on it’s opened pages and it started to burn beautifully.

Somehow it felt like I was rebelling against the establishment, and that laws were being broken. If Dylan would have been there, we could have had a really good time with that thought. We would have talked about how Ron Paul can save the world, how our leveraged economy is bound to crash, giggle about burning checks on the front porch of my house, and reminisce good times. He’s always been on board for breaking the law on most any way possible.

Well, the checks burned and the house didn’t. Success. It was pretty smoky inside though. I didn’t make and earth shattering discoveries, but I did have a lot of fun showing ‘the man’ who was boss. It’s the little things that count…


Ms.Hey said...

These pictures are great. Were they taken with your new camera?

Dylan Wren said...

That is awesome! I missed you this weekend. Brown Bear and I had to celebrate the New Year with out you. Way to remind the “man” who’s boss. Dam, it feels go to be a gangsta!

BrittanyK said...

This blog made me laugh. Outloud. It made me miss you too friend. It was good talk to you the other day.

Turkey said...

Yeah, with my Canon. Dylan, did Brown Bear tell you we took him to the hood? It was amazing.

Unknown said...

Hey Matt, I know it's been a long time coming but I've finally added your blog to my google reader. After checking it every once and a while, I finally took that complete step of committment to your blog. Forever. Don't let me down! I love the fire pictures. You're really a photographer now! You severely underestimate your own abilities and fervor.