Monday, May 23, 2011

New Post?!

Well I've nearly made it a year since writing on this blog, and to tell you the truth I'm not sure I have anything urgent to say right now. Maybe an overview will suffice for the mean time.

Since last writing, a lot has happened in my life. I have gone through four jobs, a long relationship, started a company, eaten hundreds of donuts, and moved to Hollywood. My days are spent talking to wedding planners, help in the production of a feature length film, learning about documentaries, and figuring out what exactly is up with life.

I mean really. What is up... life?

You're crazy.

I'm not sure I can keep up.

It is interesting though, and filled with great people and a loving God. I always hoped that life would be an adventure, but I could not have planned a trip like this if I would have wanted to.


Dylan Wren said...

Matt, you are living a good story!!!!

kessia reyne said...

Your true friends, Matt-- we do not judge you for this long absence. We are just glad to see a new post. << That was said in my rather serious voice. In my regular voice I say >> Awesome! You have been through a lot. And even though we sometimes complain about not being able to know the future, I think it makes life so much more enjoyable to experience it just one moment at a time :D

Carley Truelove said...

Glad to see your back.

Sounds like some crazy times.

I kinda jumped out of the blogging world too, but I'm considering jumping back in soon. Possibly.

Turkey said...

Maybe you should jump back in... why not?